4 Natural Treatments for Spring Allergies
Are you looking for a way to ease spring allergies without taking any antihistamines or getting an allergy shot? Not all natural remedies have been shown to be effective, but there are a few that are show promising results.
Neti Pot
Rinsing your nasal passage is a great way to relieve your allergy symptoms that’s also inexpensive. It’s just important to use water that’s distilled and sterile, so consider boiling the water and letting it cool in an airtight container before use. You should also wash your neti pot after each use.
Butterbur and Spirulina
Preliminary studies have shown that butterbur extract and spirulina may help treat hay fever symptoms, so look for remedies that include these ingredients. However, just because a supplement is natural doesn’t mean it’s safe. If you’re taking any medications, it’s best to check with a doctor or pharmacist about any potential contraindications before taking a herbal supplement for allergies.
Local Raw Honey
There’s a commonly held hypothesis that the pollen content in local honey can inoculate you against allergic rhinitis, however there isn’t really enough evidence to prove or disprove this theory. One problem with this theory is that honey may not include the specific pollen that affects you. On the other hand, raw honey has been shown to be as effective at soothing sore throats as over-the-counter cough drops, so if allergies have you coughing you may want to try a teaspoon.
Fish and Whole Vegetables
More and more research is showing the advantages of eating whole foods, so it’s no surprise that a healthy diet may ease allergies. A study recently published in Pediatric Allergy and Immunology found that children who eat a diet rich in fish and “fruity” vegetables are less likely to suffer from allergies. Fruity vegetables have seeds and come from flowering plants, such as zucchini, eggplant, green beans, butternut squash and tomatoes.
source: care2.com
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