Go Nuts for Walnuts and Almonds Nutrition
We have heard a lot in recent years about walnuts and almonds nutrition.
The truth is that there are many healthy nutrients found in walnut oil, walnuts and almonds.
The health benefits of walnuts, almonds and nut products will help protect your body in a number of ways.
Here are just a few reasons why these nuts are so amazingly healthy for us and why we should include nuts in our diets on a daily basis:
Walnuts are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, a special type of fat that is essential for our bodies, but that the body cannot produce. Walnuts are also a very good source of monounsaturated fats.
Walnuts contain many powerful antioxidants, including ellagic and gallic acids, pus antioxidant phenols and vitamin E. The minerals copper and manganese are also found in abundance in these tasty nuts.
Like walnuts, almonds are also high in monounsaturated fats, the same kind of fat found in super healthy olive oil.
Almonds are loaded with vitamin E, magnesium and potassium and are a good source of manganese, copper and vitamin B2 (riboflavin). They are also high in fiber and a small serving has more protein than an egg.
As you can see walnuts and almonds nutrition facts are impressive. So what do all of these health giving nutrients do for us?
To begin with, the Omega-3 fatty acids found in abundance in walnuts have been shown to provide our bodies with numerous protective benefits.
Omega-3 essential fatty acids protect us against heart disease and the Omega-3 found in walnuts helps to prevent irregular heart rhythms. Omega-3 also helps reduce LDL (bad) and total cholesterol levels.
The cholesterol lowering ability of walnuts is also due to the amount of antioxidants, phenols, vitamin E, ellagic acid and gallic acid found in this nut.
The monounsaturated fat in walnuts has a beneficial effect on cardiovascular health and is associated with a reduced risk for heart disease.
The Omega-3 essential fatty acids in walnuts also provide anti-inflammatory benefits and are helpful if you suffer from asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, eczema or psoriasis.
Lastly, studies have shown that walnuts may be very helpful in preventing gallstones.
That's a big nutritional bang for a little nut!
Almond Benefits
Almonds nutrition is just as powerful as what we have seen for walnuts as they share many of the same properties.
Monounsaturated fats, as we stated above, have a beneficial effect on heart disease, so almonds too are a plus for maintaining a strong and healthy heart.
Almonds are also known for their ability to help lower LDL cholesterol levels. It is thought that part of the reason almonds can decrease the risk for heart disease may be their high vitamin E content. Whatever it is, there seems to be a real link between eating almonds and cholesterol improvement.
The high level of magnesium in almonds has a very positive effect on our arteries and veins and helps to improve the overall flow of nutrients through our bodies.
The potassium content of almonds helps the body to maintain a normal blood pressure and protects against hardening of the arteries.
Who are the number one buyers of almonds?
Chocolate manufacturers - using approximately 40+ percent of the world's production of almonds. Some may argue it's not the healthiest use of this nutritious nut, but it sure is one of the tastiest!
Chocolate manufacturers - using approximately 40+ percent of the world's production of almonds. Some may argue it's not the healthiest use of this nutritious nut, but it sure is one of the tastiest!
With all of the amazing health benefits of almonds and walnuts, it is no wonder so many health experts are now telling us to "go nuts".
Nuts are officially off the low fat dieters' "foods to avoid" list and are finally given their rightful place as true super foods.
How to Put More Almonds and Walnuts in Your Diet:
- Add a handful of chopped walnuts or almonds to your morning cereal. Tossed on to cold cereal or mixed in with hot oatmeal, or other hot cooked cereals, these nuts add crunch, taste and, of course, walnuts and almonds nutrition.
- Add nuts to your favorite salad.
- Try almond butter in place of peanut butter on toast or in a sandwich. Its yummy.
- Make up small bags of almonds or walnuts (or a mixture of several nuts) and keep them handy to reach for as a snack.
- Use these nuts in their other forms. Use delicious walnut oil for salads and almond meal in baked goods.
source: cookingnook.com
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