These 3 Flowers Ought to Kick Your Insomnia
Blackout curtains still not doing the trick? We uncovered studies that show how certain plants can deepen sleep and stop tossing and turning.
For light sleepers: JasminePlace one of these varieties on your nightstand and experience a deeper REM cycle: Jasminum polyanthum (a vinelike plant with tiny flowers; see right)
or Grand Duke of Tuscany, a variety of Jasminum sambac (a more shrublike strain) that grows fragrant, roselike blossoms.
For stressed sleepers: Lavender
This plant’s flowery aroma slows heart rate and lowers blood pressure. In one study, scientists sprinkled lavender oil or an unscented placebo on the bedsheets of 12 female insomniacs and found that the women with lavender-scented sheets slept better and woke up feeling refreshed.
For fitful sleepers: Gardenia
This sweet-scented bud soothes uneasy sleepers. Ayurvedic doctors even prescribe it to manage anger and impatience.
Sources:, Readers Digest
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