Fun Fact Friday

  • The downside of being shy is that people misjudge you as thinking you're better than others just because you're quiet.
  • 91% people skip the first slice of bread, just because it's ugly.
  • Popcorn is by far the healthiest snack. It builds bone, muscle, tissue, aids digestion, and is good for the teeth. 
  • Generally, you should never forget what a person says to you when angry because that's when the truth finally comes out.

  • According to a study, wishing someone luck makes them do better.
  • A sleeping human brain can still understand the words being spoken around it.
  • Bottling up your emotions can lead to depression.
  • Studies have found that smiling is 69% more attractive than wearing makeup.
  • It only takes 0.2 seconds to fall in love.
  • Focusing primarily on the person you’re talking to rather than yourself and the impression you’re making lessens social anxiety.

Happy Friday  

source:       @Fact
