Fun Fact Friday

  • Our brains do not recognize people by their entire face, but from their eyes and other key features on the person's face.
  • Chocolate is good for your teeth. It can help fight against bacteria in the mouth and stop dental decay.
  • People who laugh more are able to tolerate pain better, both physical and emotional. 
  • A study has confirmed that British people have the world's sexiest accents.

Chocolate is good for your teeth.
It can help fight against bacteria in the mouth
and stop dental decay.

  • Men have nipples because everyone is a female until the Y chromosome kicks in. You were all girl embryos.
  • People who regularly help others are significantly happier and less likely to become depressed as they get older.
  • The right ear is better at hearing speech and the left ear is better at hearing music.

Happy Friday  :-)

source:       @Fact
