Make Tiny Changes to Your Eating Habits for Big Results
health? The Food Network writes that easy, small changes like cutting out a packet of sugar in your coffee that you do consistently can help you achieve big goals.
Many small steps you can take to improve your health can be done in only a few minutes. As an example, if you have only 1 minute:
Order salad dressings or gravies on the side and rather than pouring it on top of your food. Dip your fork into the dressing before you take a bite, that way you will get a taste of dressing with each bite, but you'll consume less dressing by the end of your meal.
Another example for losing weight is cutting down on coffee if you tend to drink it with cream (or switch to low-fat milk).
The key is doing these small changes every day so you can see improvement in the long run.
source: FoodNetwork
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